The project includes constructing a wastewater collection system for Lone Pine Township and will pump the collected wastewater from the Swan Lake Main Lift Station to the existing wastewater collection system in Nashwauk.

This wastewater will gravity feed to the Nashwauk lift station and then be pumped to the existing wastewater treatment facility in the City of Nashwauk. The project also includes expanding the Nashwauk Wastewater Treatment Facility to accept additional flows from the Swan Lake Area.


The Lone Pine Wastewater Collection System Consists of three general components in regards to pipe installation.

1. The main water collection pipe (2-6” HPPE) force main will be located within Township, County, and MNDOT right of ways with appropriate permits obtained.

2. The users service line will consist of will consist of a grinder pump station, grinder pump force main and a connection to the main collector pipe. This part will be owned and maintained by Lone Pine Township.

3. The service line between the resident dwelling to the cleanout just outside the grinder pump station will be owned and maintained by the property owner.

Wastewater Collection System

East Itasca Joint Sewer Board

Lone Pine Township, MN